Monday, July 6, 2015

June 26-28, 2015 Flandrau State Park

We went to Flandrau State Park with another couple for the weekend. They stayed in a camping cabin and we reserved the pull through site closest to the cabins. This turned out to be a very nice site. Easy to get into, very private and sun or shade whichever you preferred.

We hiked over to Schell Brewery through the park. It's a little under 2 miles one way and is a nice hike along the river. You come out right at the Brewery and don't have to worry about driving back after the taste testing! :)

Our pull through site

picnic grounds

one of the hiking trails

office/store/check in

another view of our site

Main bathroom

view along our walk to the brewery

Inside the brewery

Resident peacock

 Tour guide

taste testing

Walk back to the campground we spotted this deer

swim pool/beach

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