Thursday, March 20, 2014

Hawaii, February 2014 - Kauai, Day 4 and 5

Day 4 we drove to a beach and relaxed, ate hawaiian tacos from the food truck for lunch and took it easy.

They have some BIG spiders in Kauai

Campground on the beach

Our last day in Kauai we spent some time at the beach and did a tour of the Waimea river and Fern Grotto.

Hawaii, February 2014 - Kauai Day 3

Today was Brad's 50th birthday and we headed up to do the Napali coast hike. The day started out rainy, but it got much better as the day wore on.

Ramadan - a new fruit we got at the farmer's market (it tastes sort of like a grape)

The Hawaiin State bird

hiking trail - VERY muddy!

View from the trail

More of the trail - a bit drier up higher

Views of the Napali coast

Small town of Hanalei - great burgers here!

Shops in Hanalei

Hanalei overlook

Hanging out at the resort