Thursday, March 20, 2014

Tettegouche State Park - September, 2013

Tettegouche State Park is one of the only state parks that we fit in and that has electric sites. It's a great park with tons of hiking, biking and relaxing.

Falls in the park

View from our campsite

Hiking trail

View out to Lake Superior

Road across the Baptism River that goes past the park

Lake Superior

Brad getting ready to hike

Campground road

Our campsite

View at the top of our hike

hiking trail (part of the Superior trail)

Town of Grand Marais, MN


finishing a hike

Enjoying the views of Lake Superior

1 comment:

  1. Hi there- found your blog via a bing search for some photos as I do research for a camping trip to the north shore. you guys have a great set-up and I've really enjoyed reading your descriptions of some of the state parks!! Thanks for sharing! Happy camping (and stay dry!) Thanks again.
