Monday, December 22, 2014

Tucson, Arizona December 2014 (Part 2 Tucson area)

Tuesday, December 16
We went over to Sabino Canyon, but when we got there we found we weren't going to have enough time for everything we wanted to do as we had a golf tee time at 12:40pm. So we just did a little bit of hiking and then headed over to the golf course.

We golfed with a 79 year old man, Cliff, who has lived in Tucson for over 50 years. He is in great shape and we had a good time golfing and chatting with him.

For dinner we went to In N Out burger, probably my favorite burger place.

Wednesday, December 17
We headed out to look at a couple RV Parks today. The first one (Desert Trails) got high remarks on Trailer Life, but it's not the kind of place I'd like to stay. The sites were jam packed together and the pool was crowded in the middle and there were no views. We checked out a couple others and the KOA and Voyageurs were nice, but not in the greatest areas.

We then headed to Tombstone. The weather wasn't the greatest this day - it sprinkled off and on and it was only in the 50's. We went to the OK Corral and saw a show along with the gunfight. The town is pretty cool and we walked around and saw a live performer in one of the bars and talked to a woman at the paper.

Thursday, December 18
Today we went over to the Tucson Mall to do some shopping. They don't do a whole lot of Christmas decorating in Tucson, but we found the mall had some decorations along with Santa.

We also walked some of the "loop" which is a very long walking/biking trail system around the Tucson area. It's really nice.

Friday, December 19
Today we headed back to Sabino Canyon to take the tram up as far as you can go (4 miles). We had planned to do the walk back, but the river was really flowing and 8 of the bridges were under water so we'd get wet. We ended up only being able to walk about a mile of it. 

We then drove up to Mount Lemmon. Because of the rain/snow the previous day the top of Mount Lemmon had snow. There were alot of people up there jumping around in the snow which we thought was kind of funny. It's a beautiful drive up to 9,000 feet with some gorgeous views. We also saw quite a few bikers heading up. 

The last 2 days we spent driving home staying one night in Wichita, Kansas.