Monday, May 18, 2015

London - May 7, 2015

May 6, 2015
Today is the day we head to Europe for our trip to London; Salzburg, Austria and Munich, Germany.

We had a couple hour layover in Dallas and I had some passes to a lounge, so we enjoyed a few snacks and a couple of drinks. It was a nice way to start vacation.

May 7, 2015
We arrived at London Heathrow a few minutes early. We had to wait for our driver. I'm not sure if he was new to London, but it should have taken about an hour to get to our hotel and it took him almost 2! Thank goodness we were paying for the service all inclusive and not by the time. Our rooms at the Crowne Plaza London The City weren't quite ready so we dropped off our bags and headed back out. 

 Crowne Plaza - London The City

We took the tube to Tower of London. The sun came out and it was a beautiful day. Before heading in we had sandwiches and some fries (the ones in Europe are big and fat). The best part of the Tower of London was closed (the area where you can see where prisoners were held), but it was still interesting. 

We then walked over to Shakespeare's Globe and across the millenial bridge. 

Shakespeare's Globe

We saw the Tower Bridge and walked through Borough Market (mostly food items here)

Tower Bridge

Borough Market

We then headed back to the hotel, got settled in our rooms and checked out the lounge area. They had free drinks and some snacks.

We walked across the street to Blackfriars Pub for dinner and had a real English dinner (fish and chips and English pie). 

We were all pooped so we headed back to the hotel for bed.

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