Tuesday, May 19, 2015

London to Munich - May 10, 2015

May 10, 2015
Today we left London and flew to Munich. We had a 7:40am flight so I arranged a car to pick us up from the hotel to take us to the airport at 5:00am! The driver arrived a bit early and it was an hour drive so it worked out well.

When we arrived in Munich we picked up our car - a brand new Volvo station wagon. We didn't have a map and our iPad didn't work, but roads were very well marked and we found our way to Salzburg and the Crowne Plaza where we would be staying for the next 2 nights.

After checking into our hotel we walked over to Mirabelle Gardens and Old Town. We did some shopping and saw the Sound of Music sights. Many stores are closed on Sundays so they crowds were thin which was really nice. We ate dinner in Old Town at the Old Spaghetti Factory (very good food).

Mirabell Gardens

Mirabell Gardens - this is where Maria and the children ran through in the Sound of Music

walking across the bridge to Old Town Salzburg

Old Town Salzburg

St. Peters

Salzburg Cemetary

Cemetary where Maria and the children hid from the Nazis

Old Spaghetti Factory

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